Will Sharon End Badly?

November 25, 2002

We who regard the Bible as God's authoritative commentary on the progression of human affairs tend to view history differently than others. Rather than being a meandering set of random events, it is based on a plan with a certain end.

Along the way, certain momentous events take place, events that emphatically demonstrate God's sovereign ownership and control over mankind. Contrary to the scoffers who insist "everything continues as it has since the beginning of creation", history has been, and will continue to be, punctuated by actions of direct Divine interaction.

During the time frame of history which was recorded by the eyewitnesses who penned the Bible, these actions, though not common, were characteristic rather than unusual. Now, as history is winding up towards a climax, we should expect that these actions will once again be easily observed by those with hearts inclined towards heaven.

Perhaps you may realize that we are now, these very days, at a critical time in history. For several years, the drama of a conflict that is central to the Biblical plan has been intensifying. We are speaking, of course, about the conflict over the land of Judea and Samaria, the Biblical heartland. Many parties have crafted plans attempting to circumvent God's plan for that land. But all such plans have, and will be, thwarted.

Though we expect world leaders who cast off the notion of God's dominion to present and attempt to implement these plans, we do not expect that Israel would acquiesce to them. Unfortunately, a succession of Israel's government officials have done just that. Even so, God has prevented these plans from succeeding.

If there is any cause/effect relationship that has been come crystal-clear in this drama, it is this: any leader of Israel who has advocated and actively pursued the course of surrendering that land has done so at the cost of his political life. Barak, Peres, and Ben-Eliezer are among the names that now litter the trash heap of Israeli politics, primarily because of their policies and actions regarding Judea and Samaria, the settlements, and a Palestinian state.

Another name will shortly join that heap: Sharon. In a betrayal of the ideals he so effectively espoused when younger, Prime Minister Ariel Sharon has now wholeheartedly climbed on board the ill-fated wagon of the establishment of a Palestinian state. So, you might think, he has, just like others, what difference does it make now?

The difference is the timing. The situation is nearly at a boiling point. Unlike the past, where the tactic of many was to present interim plan after plan to postpone the discussion of the issues at the heart of the problem, the time for postponement is over. The issue will be resolved, dynamically, forcefully, emphatically, one way or another -- and there is only one way it will be resolved.

The concept of a Palestinian state will be obliterated, once and forever. Those in power in Israel who insist on it will be removed from power.

Oh Ariel Sharon, if he only knew how poorly this may bode for him! If he wins the Likud leadership once again, and is once again reelected as Prime Minister, I do not believe it will not be for long. Why? Because he has become a primary impediment to God's plan for the land, and that plan is now at a very critical point.

Those in authority have a greater responsibility for the decisions they make. Though we all may make foolish and ungodly decisions during our lives, not many can say they have made a foolish and ungodly decision that is in direct and primary defiance of a major campaign under the immediate supervision of the Almighty Himself. Now is the time for the one who leads Israel to lead in accordance with what God has said regarding that land. If Sharon does not fall in line, I believe he will be pushed out.

Let me restate this in practical terms. Suppose that God intends to, in a very short time, make the ownership of Judea and Samaria to Israel permanent and irrevocable, in fact as well as declaration. Suppose that Sharon is elected to the Prime Minister position once again, and would be serving during the time frame when God would be accomplishing this. But Sharon has explicitly and unambiguously declared that he intends to work towards a Palestinian state. Something has to give, and it will be Sharon.

How sad that a man who had in the past served Israel so well will likely have a dismal and ignoble ending.

I am going to make a prediction, one that is not a prophecy by any means, but one that may have some degree of prophetic support in the Bible. I believe that Ariel Sharon will die in office, either by natural causes, or by means of assassination. And I also believe that his death may be a catalyst that ignites the chain of events that will result in the liberation of Judea and Samaria from the grip of the terrorists.

I may be very wrong about this. I am not presenting it as a certain interpretation. But if I am right, then we are on the verge of incredible occurrences that will shake the world.

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