the jew they bomb
the jew they hate

ill muslim scowl
cruel acts so foul
when sirens howl

medical teams
dread mothers screams
mad quran schemes

malignant rage
jihad they wage
global outrage

to kill the youth
to kill the truth
beastly, uncouth

bloodshed devised
shalom despised

justice assailed
peace talks derailed
talking has failed

all who ignite
philistine spite
loathing excite

slaying incite
take flight in fright
blood will requite

will not absolve
with strong resolve
your mob dissolve

oh melt away
flee in dismay
you'll play the prey

you hordes of vile
rogue fiends hostile
God will revile

to great applause
for Zion's cause
Hashem Maoz!

Trumpet Sounds 9/4/03

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